Our “P’s 2” Healthy Food Choices Program encourages a cleaner approach to eating by providing grocery gift cards to underserved families needing extra help transitioning their autistic child to a more healthy and nutritious diet. Organic and natural foods with no preservatives or artificial colors have been shown to increase your over-all health and wellness. We all know that when we eat better we feel better. And when we feel better we have a more positive attitude thus potentially decreasing negative behaviors. Many children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are picky eaters and don’t get the correct amount of nutrition they need. This can cause digestive issues leading to poor gut health.
Choosing healthier alternatives can be hard to find and more expensive, thus making the transition a bit difficult for some families. We want to help ease the burden by giving those families looking to transition into feeding their children more healthier options a grocery gift card. We believe that once you are able find alternative healthy food items that your child actually likes, it will make it easier for you to shop for those items in the future. You will begin to eliminate many of the unhealthy items and focus on those that are good for your child’s mind and body. We believe that when you know better, you eat better!
We would love to partner with neighborhood grocery stores. If you are in management and would like to partner with us on our “P’s 2” program please email us via info@parkersway.org.
In addition, our goal is to partner with area nutritionists. If you are a nutritionist and would like to partner with our organization please reach out to us via the contact us link below..